
Showing posts from January, 2019

Making Peace With Our Pasts

Often, I have met people who have been raised as children in almost idyllic circumstances. Their parents listened to them, went to their ballgames and their piano recitals. The parents baked cookies for their events and took interest in their lives. Every Sunday, the family went together to church. Of course, there were some bumps in the road. Remember your adolescence? You wanted to forge your own identity. You were not sure that you wanted to be seen in public with mom and dad. At the same time mom and dad were wishing that you were 8 years old again. But other than the normal bumps, the road from birth to when you left home was filled with good smells, good vacations, doing things together as a family, stability at home and great love for each other. But what if the family system of which you were a child wasn't like that? What if you were playing baseball in the street in front of your house when your dad came home, got out of the car, and staggered into the house. You were

A confession and a hope

First, I want to talk about the purpose of this blog. The blog is part confessional, but more than that I hope it can be of help to other followers of the One whom I'm trying to follow: Jesus, the Christ. I just turned 76, so much of my ministry is viewed not so much with anticipation but with memory and reflection. I still preach, do interim and supply ministry, and try my hand at writing. I do some coaching of ministers, especially in the area of preaching. I have been the pastor of several churches, taught preaching and concluded my formal ministerial life as the Dean and then Professor of Preaching and Church Leadership at the Gardner-Webb School of Divinity. I am in that season of life when the phone calls for me to do something in the church are fewer. I liked it much better when I was at the ages when I felt more wanted. Don't tell me to take up a hobby such as golf. I tried it when I was younger, didn't like it, and so I'm not going there. I have other thi